Vanquish ME
For Circumferential Fat Reduction of Abdomen, Flanks and Thighs
BTL Vanquish ME is the newest technology in contactless fat cell disruption. The device has the largest treatment area in the industry, ensuring an unrivaled level of patient comfort and safety.
Cordial Medical Spa is excited to bring you the patented Selective RFTM technology, BTL VANQUISH ME allows our physicians and aesthetics experts to reduce the circumference of the entire abdominal area, or inner and outer thighs.
The BTL Vanquish ME procedure disrupts fatty cells through the selective heating of adipose tissue.
The process leads to fatty cell shrinkage and elimination.
Who Is The Right Candidate For BTL Vanquish Me?
BTL VANQUISH ME treatments are designed for those who want to decrease the circumference of their abdomen and thighs – regardless of their BMI. The BTL VANQUISH ME (Max Energy) is an option for those who desire aesthetic improvement without the cost and recovery time of surgery.
How Many Treatments Do I Need?
During your first visit to Cordial Medical Spa, Dr. Glantsman or one of our expert medical aesthetics providers will help you design your individual treatment plan.
Most patients undergo 4 treatments scheduled 1 week apart, but this can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Each therapy session takes approximately 45 minutes to treat the abdominal part, and 60 minutes to treat both thighs.
You can easily return to your daily activities right after each session. Patients have reported results as soon as after 2 weeks.
What Does The Treatment Feel Like?
Comfort is the main advantage of BTL VANQUISH ME compared to some other shaping therapies.
The entire procedure is contactless. All you will typically feel is a warm sensation in the treated area which may last for a few hours post therapy. The treatment is performed in a lying position so you can easily relax during the procedure.
What Kind Of Results Can I Expect To See?
You can expect reduction in circumference of your abdomen, saddlebags, or thighs. The exact reduction will depend on many factors, including your BMI. Browse the Before & After gallery below to see some real life results.
Is There Any Downtime with Vanquish?
The whole procedure is non-invasive, contactless, and requires no recovery time. You can easily have the treatment during your lunch break, and return to your daily activities immediately.
How Fast Will I See Results?
Many patients report changes as soon as 2 to 3 weeks after the first treatment, when their body starts to naturally eliminate disrupted fat cells. Optimal results can be usually seen after a couple of months.

How BTL Vanquish ME Selectively Targets Fat
See how VANQUISH burns away fat without affecting muscle or skin in this amazingly simple video demonstration.
Real Vanquish Fat Reduction Patients
The Start of a Healthy Lifestyle
Heather's life-changing story with BTL Vanquish ME… “Vanquish jump-started my fitness.”
Get Ready for Bikini Season!
No lines, marks or scars! See why BTL Vanquish ME is better than Spot Treatment

Ready to book a free Vanquish ME consultation?
Please call (847) 990-0510 or complete the form below and we will contact you shortly to arrange your free Vanquish consultation.